Hamsters are such curious bundles of fun...
There are many species of Hamsters and seeking information about them will help you decide if they are the right pet for you.
The Syrian hamster is probably the best known and readily recognized. In their natural habitat they live a solitary life, only seeking out others when they want to breed. As a pet it is best to keep this species on its own. Many other species are more sociable and live in small groups such as the Winter White Russian Dwarf or the Campbell Russian dwarf.

Making interesting pets they are very curious and very active mainly at night. Their
cages should be big enough to allow them to scurry around and hold enough tubes and play things to stimulate their curiosity, not forgetting every furry friends favorite the running wheel! Numerous activity wheels and balls are available for exercise, and add-on tube linking, to extend the running area outside the cage have been developed. GOOD ADVICE! Oil the wheel (use vegetable oil) as these mainly nocturnal creatures just love to rattle around their wheel at 90mph at 3am in the morning you will not get any sleep otherwise. On the other side of the coin they just love to sleep during the day waking only to eat or drink, fresh water should be readily available a drip bottle being ideal. It is important that they spend some time out of their cage every day, they become used to handling and will quite readily climb all over you, I had one that would sit in my shirt pocket and was quite happy to stay there all day.You may find that your pet gets a little grumpy, especially if woken (a bit like me) so use a little common sense and only handle them when they are awake and aware of what is going on Feeding your pet with a variety of fresh food will benefit his health, it is important not to overfeed them and remove any uneaten food. Keep him healthy.
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