Hamster Cage
Choosing the right hamster cage for your pet is so important just like us they require a home, one that is comfortable light and airy, with adequate space an interesting rooms to explore. Fortunately they cost just a fraction of the cost of the price of a home for us. The traditional cages , made of wire, with a detachable plastic base for ease of cleaning is quite adequate for housing a hamster, but how often do you see a hamster literally 'climbing the walls' and hanging from the roof , this is a sure sign that a hamster is bored.
This type of cage usually comes with a running wheel and a sleeping compartment and no more, hardly enough for a very inquisitive hamster, in-fact a prison cell would be a better description.Compared to the newest homes created for hamsters with there multilevel living accommodation and extended runways and exercise equipment they do not offer anywhere near the enjoyment that the latest homes offer, I am certain that no self respecting hamster would even consider a wire cage for a home. The latest homes offer Deluxe Double Decker living for your small pets!   Double-decker habitats feature an open air first floor and a cozy nesting loft as a second story. Ideal for mice, hamsters and gerbils, and most come complete with everything that you need to house your animal in style. The kits typically include, a water bottle, 1 EZ climb bubble wave funnel, exercise wheel, add-on accessory ports for customization and a deep "scatter-less" base to prevent our hamster from spreading their floor covering everywhere. With the addition of extra tubes and funnels which are easily attached at the accessory ports you can create an interesting tunnel network for your hamster to explore.   More deluxe models are available and are well worth investigating.
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